Beautiful Patterns Make a Beautiful Picture... But

I like patterns - in flower beds, in textiles, in music, in my kids' math books. I like patterns in nature, the change of seasons pattern, and the repeating patterns of stars' in the sky. There is a sense of calm and order about them.

Habits and routines are patterns as well. And they too give a sense of calm and order in our lives.

Habits help us to master skills and use them without even thinking (like getting into a habit of brushing teeth every morning, or saying 'please' and 'thank you.') Once we practiced one particular action enough, it becomes 'habitual.' It also becomes 'easy' to do.

It's great.

Except when it's not.

Sometimes we get stuck in a particular habit (or pattern) and have a really hard time breaking it (Think about a bad habit in the past you might have developed and then corrected. What did you do to break it?)

Are there any patterns in your life right now that are preventing you from stretching yourself out of your comfort zone and growing? Any patterns that might be keeping you stuck?

Perhaps you can clearly see it, because it's an obvious pattern - like being stuck in debt because you keep spending more than your budget allows, or ending up in a relationship with a 'wrong' person too many times, or repeating a behavior that leaves you angry, disappointed and depressed?

Perhaps it's a bit more layered - like working long hours, not getting enough sleep, eating the wrong food the next day because you are exhausted, missing your deadlines and snapping at your children when you come home at night - and feeling you are a failure as a mother.

Take a few breaths and reflect on the patterns of your life.

This quote, attributed to Albert Einstein, is one of my favorite quotes. It was a part of my waking up. When I realized I was repeating the same patterns and wondering why nothing was changing in my life, I knew that I needed to stop applying the same template - and try a different one.

This thought alone was a) hard; b) scary; and c) I really didn't have any idea how I would do this.

Let's explore this some more. Mark this lesson complete and we'll move on. (Hmmm... looks like we have a repeating pattern here too... ;)

Share some of the patterns in your life that are HELPFUL to you.

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